There are several advantages that you get on using Q Blocks such as:
Upto 80% Less Expensive:
Yes, you read that right. GPU instances on Q Blocks are very inexpensive
when compared to primitive cloud companies.
Easy to use:
We have made it super easy for a user to quickly fire up a GPU instance
and start processing in a matter of few minutes.
Pre-configured instances:
Select your favorite AI frameworks to get a pre-configured instance ready
for deep learning processing or machine learning inference.
Specially, for business users as the usage increases on a cloud platform, the cost savings on Q Blocks ensures that an organization can get the most out of GPU instances.
A business user, as defined here, refers to an individual or entity using a non-Gmail or personal email ID account. This distinction helps categorize users based on their email domain, typically indicating use within a business or professional context.